Associate of Arts in Nursing Program

Associate of Arts in Nursing Program

The education and training you need to become a Registered Nurse

Serving Students Since 1993

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Associate of Arts in Nursing Course Material

Associate of Arts in Nursing Course Material

The Associate of Art in Nursing Program provides students with the opportunity to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to function as a Registered Nurse in a variety of settings. The student will receive classroom, laboratory, and clinical instruction in nursing areas of fundamentals, anatomy and physiology, pharmacology, medical/surgical nursing, mental health, obstetrics, and pediatric nursing. After successful completion of the program, the student is required to take the NCLEX-RN examination for licensure as a Registered Nurse. Graduates of the Associate of Art in Nursing Program may be employed as a Registered Nurse upon application to the State Board of Nursing and successfully passing the NCLEX-RN examination. This person may serve patients and clients in many settings including hospitals, clinics, doctor’s offices, extended-care facilities, and other medical facilities.

Human Anatomy

This course focuses on microscopic and macroscopic structures of the human body. Utilizing a system-based approach, the course explores essential concepts of normal human anatomy establishing a strong foundation for future healthcare professionals. Outside preparation and study time, in addition to regular classroom activities, is required to complete the class assignments. The type of outside preparation may take the form of homework assignments, projects, reading, and required studying.

Human Anatomy Laboratory

A laboratory investigation of human anatomy using a system-based approach to examine microscopic and macroscopic structures within the body. Laboratory activities utilize physical and multimedia resources to promote student understanding of anatomical structures, terminology, and functions of select body tissues, organs, and systems. Outside preparation and study time, in addition to regular classroom activities, is required to complete the class assignments. The type of outside preparation may take the form of homework assignments, projects, reading, and required studying.

Human Physiology

This course focuses on the dynamic nature of life processes in the human body. Utilizing a system-based approach, the course explores cellular physiology, functions, and inter-relations of human organ systems. Outside preparation and study time, in addition to regular classroom activities, is required to complete the class assignments. The type of outside preparation may take the form of homework assignments, projects, reading, and required studying.

Human Physiology Laboratory

A laboratory investigation of the dynamic nature of life processes in the human body. Laboratory activities utilize physical and multimedia resources to promote student understanding of cellular physiology, functions, and inter-relations of human organ systems. Outside preparation and study time, in addition to regular classroom activities, is required to complete the class assignments. The type of outside preparation may take the form of homework assignments, projects, reading, and required studying.


This course introduces the student to concepts of microbiology including pathogenicity, microbial morphology, genetics, taxonomy, metabolism, controlling microbes, and immunology. Integrating principles of biology and chemistry, the student will examine interactions of microbes with each other, hosts, and the environment. Outside preparation and study time, in addition to regular classroom activities, is required to complete the class assignments. The type of outside preparation may take the form of homework assignments, projects, reading, and required studying.

Microbiology Laboratory

A laboratory investigation of microbiology concepts utilizing physical and multimedia resources to promote student understanding of pathogenicity, microbial morphology, genetics, taxonomy, metabolism, controlling microbes, and immunology. The course emphasizes applied microbiology focusing on interactions of microbes with each other, hosts, and the environment. Outside preparation and study time, in addition to regular classroom activities, is required to complete the class assignments. The type of outside preparation may take the form of homework assignments, projects, reading, and required studying.

English Composition

This course introduces the student to the conventions of academic writing. The student will enhance writing, reading, and thinking skills through the creation and rhetorical study of personal and scholarly texts. The course emphasizes principles and techniques for the student to express ideas in written form in a clear, concise, articulate, and grammatically correct manner. Outside preparation and study time, in addition to regular classroom activities, is required to complete the class assignments. The type of outside preparation may take the form of homework assignments, projects, reading, and required studying.

General Psychology

This course introduces the student to concepts of general psychology including principal theorists and theories that are foundational to psychology as a field of science. Topics include psychological development, sensory processes, perception, motivation, emotion, learning, thinking, intelligence, aptitudes, social engagement, and personality. Outside preparation and study time, in addition to regular classroom activities, is required to complete the class assignments. The type of outside preparation may take the form of homework assignments, projects, reading, and required studying.

Oral Communications

This course provides an overview of the basic concepts of communication. Foundational principles for the effective preparation, presentation, and critical consumption of communications in nonverbal, one-on-one, small group, workplace, and public speaking contexts are emphasized. The student will explore ways communication affects and relates to everyday experiences. Outside preparation and study time, in addition to regular classroom activities, is required to complete the class assignments. The type of outside preparation may take the form of homework assignments, projects, reading, and required studying.

History of Nevada and The Constitution

The course introduces the student to the Nevada Constitution and political history through an in-depth examination of the basic law of the state and its importance in American society. Outside preparation and study time, in addition to regular classroom activities, is required to complete the class assignments. The type of outside preparation may take the form of homework assignments, projects, reading, and required studying.

Growth and Development

A survey of the physical, cognitive, emotional, and social factors in human development from conception to death. There will be an emphasis on understanding people at various ages of development in order to be more patient with them and to interact with them more effectively. This course will help the student develop a better understanding of people who are at a different stage in life than the one they are currently in. Outside preparation and study time, in addition to regular classroom activities, is required to complete the class assignments. The type of outside preparation may take the form of homework assignments, projects, reading, and required studying.

Fundamentals of Nursing Care

An introduction to the basic concepts of nursing: Nursing process, critical thinking, nursing theory, and patient-centered care. Concepts of pharmacology, nutrition, the healthcare team, and basic nursing interventions skills are introduced. Other topics presented are views of health and different healthcare team members. Outside preparation and study time, in addition to regular classroom activities, is required to complete the class assignments. The type of outside preparation may take the form of homework assignments, projects, reading, and required studying.

Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing

The introductory medical surgical course delivers general assessment and alternations of health of various chronic disorders and their nursing management. Concepts of genetics, cancer, rehabilitation and perioperative care are also covered. The clinical experience will focus on providing basic patient care applying theoretical knowledge, analysis of medical management, and the nursing management of the hospitalized adult as a member of the healthcare team. Outside preparation and study time, in addition to regular classroom activities, is required to complete the class assignments. The type of outside preparation may take the form of homework assignments, projects, reading, and required studying.

Pediatric Nursing Care

This course introduces the student to the nursing care of the pediatric patient and their families. Concepts of growth and development, anticipatory guidance, health promotion and prevention are presented. Nursing care for children with chronic illness, acute illness, pain management, and life threating conditions are also discussed. Outside preparation and study time, in addition to regular classroom activities, is required to complete the class assignments. The type of outside preparation may take the form of homework assignments, projects, reading, and required studying.

Obstetrical Nursing Care

This course focuses on the nursing care of women from young adulthood to the older adult stage. Concepts of health promotion prevention, common health concerns and reproductive health for women is presented. Theories and perceptions of parenthood, pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum care are also discussed. Outside preparation and study time, in addition to regular classroom activities, is required to complete the class assignments. The type of outside preparation may take the form of homework assignments, projects, reading, and required studying.

Mental Health Nursing Care

This course provides students with nursing management for mental and psychiatric disorders and the corresponding nursing management. Standards of care and safety are discussed. Different intervention modalities are also presented. The student is also given ways to care for self. Outside preparation and study time, in addition to regular classroom activities, is required to complete the class assignments. The type of outside preparation may take the form of homework assignments, projects, reading, and required studying.

Advanced Medical Surgical Nursing

Advanced medical surgical nursing care provides students with a focus on critically ill and emergency patients; and different levels of floor nursing experiences. Patients with common critical illness and emergency presentations give students an opportunity to use prior nursing education for complex health assessment and setting priorities. Community base care is introduced in management of communicable disease, terrorism, mass causality, and disaster nursing. Outside preparation and study time, in addition to regular classroom activities, is required to complete the class assignments. The type of outside preparation may take the form of homework assignments, projects, reading, and required studying.

Transition to Registered Nursing

Provides content related to moving into the role of professional nursing practice using knowledge acquisition from student education and experiences. Leadership methods, prioritization and delegation are explored. Information about obtaining a license and preparing for the role of professional nursing is discussed. Outside preparation and study time, in addition to regular classroom activities, is required to complete the class assignments. The type of outside preparation may take the form of homework assignments, projects, reading, and required studying.

Intermediate Nursing Care

The intermediate medical surgical course focuses on the care of the older adult. The student develops skills to care for patients with many health, cultural, spiritual, and psychosocial needs. Alterations in health focuses on a variety of typical disorders of the older adult. Concepts of rehabilitation and perioperative care are also covered. The clinical experience will focus on providing basic patient care applying theoretical knowledge, analysis of medical management, and the nursing management of the hospitalized adult with chronic illness and working with the healthcare team. Outside preparation and study time, in addition to regular classroom activities, is required to complete the class assignments. The type of outside preparation may take the form of homework assignments, projects, reading, and required studying.

Pharmacological Nursing Care

Pharmacological concepts important to nursing practice are discussed. Topics include general pharmacology concepts; safety of medication administration and risk reduction; types of mediations by system; pain management; life span considerations; herbals and supplements. Other topics includes cultural aspects of medication and patient adherence strategies. Outside preparation and study time, in addition to regular classroom activities, is required to complete the class assignments. The type of outside preparation may take the form of homework assignments, projects, reading, and required studying.

NCLEX Review

Preparation for the NCLEX-RN exam is the focus of this course. A self-assessment of knowledge and personalized plan is designed to concentrate the student’s efforts in preparing for state boards. Outside preparation and study time, in addition to regular classroom activities, is required to complete the class assignments. The type of outside preparation may take the form of homework assignments, projects, reading, and required studying.

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